Our next featured artist for the "Chats With the Cats" series is pianist and composer, Willerm Delisfort.

Born in Little Haiti, Willerm expresses his love of his hometown and early influences.

"Little Haiti, oh how my heart misses you so much! I absolutely loved my childhood growing up in Miami. One of the most loving, funny, hard working communities that I have ever been a part of. God willing, I would love to end this story called life back home giving back all that I have learned in life. Growing up, there was a scene, but it wasn't accessible for kids, not like other cities such as Chicago or NYC. There's a cut off time for the city, and it probably was at your best interest that you went home during that time! Unfortunately, when I started playing the piano, I was the only one in my family (that I am aware of) that was in music. My biggest influences have been all my musical family, John McMinn: he had me at the age of 11 thinking "this is what I want to do in life", Melton Mustafa Sr.: Greatest musical mind I've ever come across, Christopher Dorsey: hard work, determination, never giving up, leave it all on the field, no excuses."

But it was Jon McMinn specifically who left an indelible mark on Willerm's soul, a particular moment in 94' when Willerm was in the 4th Grade of Charles R. Drew Elementary, the first day of school. "John McMinn got on the piano and started playing. I said at that moment "I wanna be him". He could also play any instrument. I loved every single moment of being in his class, learning about music, theory, history, instruments etc. I remember graduating from elementary and it being one of the saddest days because I had to leave. Fortunately Charles R. Drew Middle was literally next door, and we could visit anytime!

From that point on, Willerm was constantly transcribing or arranging. He would hear songs on the radio and try to write them down and get his friends to play them.

"Once I got to high school, I started focusing on writing my own story. I was falling in love for the first time, having my heart broken for the first time, breaking someone else's heart for the first time. Losing friends and family to death. It was just a lot to process and music gave me a chance to express those feelings."

Upon arriving at Florida A&M, Willerm had accumulated reams of stories that he wanted to tell. This led to the creation of "the Delisfort Project"

I formed the band which at the time consisted of Alphonso Horne (who was 19 years old) (trumpet), Diron Holloway (sax), Kevin Smith (bass) Che Marshall (drum). Those katz gave me hope that I could possibly do this thing called music. The band has changed a few times over the years as I moved around a bit, and has had some of the most amazing musicians join me for the ride.
